The newest member of the Wellness Warehouse Family

Hellooooo Motivational Monday!  And what better way to go than with Wellness Warehouse! #WellnessWarehouseThrupps I’m sure some/most of you read my post about my visit to the Clearwater Mall branch of Wellness Warehouse on our ‘sister blog’, Social Savage recently: So it is plain to see that I obviously am a very big …

A New Project all about ME 2017 

Hellooooooo 2017!! ​”Fat bottomed girls, you make the rockin’ world go round” Sharing my life in hashtags: #boozyfoodie #foodieboozy #foodie #wine #Gauteng #Pretoria #tryingtogethealthy #movies #cumberbitch #oneofthemreaders #makingmymark #reallifeissues #photos #restaurants #myhappyplace #hubbyisawesome #puglover #theatre #weekendadventures #events #lifestyle #gorgeousgoddess #neurotic #introvert #exploringsouthafrica #extrovert #upgrading #henryrollinsisgod #madmadworld #gettingthere #randomshit #quotestoliveby #takingmypower back …

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