Rooibos Martini!

Simple syrup is one of the ingredients that makes up a vital part of any cocktailian’s bags of tricks. It is a great way to add flavour and taste to cocktails, and is super easy to make at home.

With Rooibos Tea Day coming up on the 16th of January, I was wondering how to incorporate this uniquely South African product into a delicious summer sipper.

Rooibos Tea probably needs no introduction. Love it, or hate it, the health benefits are well-known and appreciated across the globe. It contains loads of antioxidants, is caffeine free, low in tannins and is calorie free as well. (ref: Rooibos Limited)

So, back to the cocktail inspiration! I decided to keep it uncomplicated, to let the true essence and flavour of Rooibos come through. Inspiration hit! How about jazzing up a cocktail classic like a martini up with a dash of rooibos? And so my rooibos martini was born!

I had the ideal opportunity to showcase it at on Sipping Slowly, the passion project of Jeannette Wentzel (, where we chat on a regular basis about our drink recommendation for the week. We try to make it as un-intimidating as possible, not some over-produced show with fancy jargon and pretentiousness, just two gals chatting about what’s on their ‘to sip’ list for the week! Subscribe and follow us (shameless punt – because I can):

Sipping Slowly on YouTube

On to the simple syrup – this is probably one of the easiest things you’ve ever done!

In a medium sized saucepan combine:

250ml strong rooibos tea (I used 3 teabags)

and 250ml white sugar

Rooibos Simple Syrup Rooibos Martini Rooibos Day Sipping Slowly

Simmer on low heat until reduced and thickened, it took about 45 minutes.

And that is it! How easy! Simple syrup can last for quite a long time when keeping in the fridge, so you will be able to make a good batch of cocktails of this one!

The Rooibos Martini

In a cocktail shaker combine:

A few blocks of ice

1 part rooibos simple syrup

3 parts vodka

1 part dry vermouth

Shake it for a bit (of course the whole ‘shaken, not stirred’ thing will pop into your head!).

Strain and pour over a few blocks of ice! I actually wanted to add a twist of lemon, and forgot about it, so try it if you want to and let me know!

Cheers #RooibosDay!

Rooibos Day Rooibos Martini Sipping Slowly

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