Celebrating National Biltong Day!

I must admit, it took some serious Googling trying to establish exactly when National Biltong Day is. It seems to have been celebrated on a different date every year, and it also appears as if there’s no agreement on when it actually is.  There is a website set up for National Biltong Day, but it was abandoned a couple of years ago already. Scrolling through social media posts today, it seems that Checkers promotes it to be on the 8th of September, and Pick ‘n Pay pushes it to be on the 9th of September.  Maybe every day is biltong day, maybe that is why there’s no set date?  I will go with that one.

As a South African biltong needs no introduction.  It is sometimes a bit challenging for foreigners to wrap their heads around it.  To compare it to American jerky is also a bit off.  But let me not get into the technical details!  If you love and enjoy biltong, celebrate with me!

I’ve been making this super easy biltong pâté for years!  Okay, if you look at the definition of a pâté, this is probably not a real pâté, but I just like the sound of it. It is my pâté, I can call it what I want to. Today we decided to have it with some beer bread instead of the normal boring store-bought crackers.

The Beer Bread

I did take a bit of a shortcut though, although to make beer bread from scratch is so simple you can’t mess it up.  It was the first time we tried this pre-mix.

Barrettsridge Beer Bread with Biltong Pate BoozyFoodie National Biltong Day Foodblog

It is really as easy as adding a bottle of beer to the baking mix.

Barrettsridge Beer Bread with Biltong Pate BoozyFoodie National Biltong Day Foodblog

And popping it in the oven for 25 minutes.

Barrettsridge Beer Bread with Biltong Pate BoozyFoodie National Biltong Day Foodblog

The easiest biltong pâté ever

In the meantime, mix the following together the following:

  • 1 tub smooth cottage cheese
  • 5 teaspoons fine biltong powder (biltong grated very finely),
  • and a good grind of course black pepper.

Beer Bread with Biltong Pate BoozyFoodie National Biltong Day Foodblog

That is it!

There you have a very quick and easy snack or starter, ready to go!  This took about 30 minutes in total.

Beer Bread with Biltong Pâté BoozyFoodie National Biltong Day Foodblog

Beer Bread with Biltong Pâté BoozyFoodie National Biltong Day Foodblog

Of course there will have to be wine!  We enjoyed our beer bread and biltong pâté and beer bread with Stellenrust JJ Handmade Picalot 2013.

Beer Bread with Biltong Pâté BoozyFoodie National Biltong Day Foodblog

Beer Bread with Biltong Pâté BoozyFoodie National Biltong Day Foodblog Stellenrust Picalot

This handmade wine (yes, no machinery was used in the production process) is a blend is 56% Pinotage, 28 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 16% Merlot, with plum and tobacco spice on the palate.  Delicious!

Well, that is how we celebrated National Biltong Day, but feel free to do it whenever, because it just seems to be some day in September.



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