Want to buy it? Just Zap it!

Over the weekend we spent some time at Flight Centre’s Travel Expo with the team from Zapper.

Zapper, as you know – or may not know, is a mobile payment app that allows you to make secure payments by simply scanning a QR code at participating vendors.  It is really a great time-saver, and super convenient to use.

Just look here:

It is equally easy to use Zapper:

  1. Open Zapper to tap Scan/Pay
  2. Scan the Zapper QR code
  3. Review your bill and tap ‘Pay’

How easy is that?

I’ve been using Zapper for a while now, especially when attending events and outdoors markets. I like the fact that I don’t have to carry cash around, or have the hassle of paying using a card – and the issues of waiting for the POS to pick up a signal, insert a pin, etc.

Upon arriving, we had the opportunity to use the app, we visited the super cool Zapper-branded Mini Cooper – and took a chance on winning R1000!  Crossing fingers!

Another great benefit was that Zapper users skipped the long queues in the sun and had their very own quick access entrance – always a bargain!

Zapper’s focus has been mainly on restaurant and food vendors, but it is also now expanding more to general retail as well.

And that was the reason why we met up at the Travel Expo.  This very popular event, with an estimated visitor count of 25 000 per day, is a highlight on the Gauteng Expo calendar. What impressed me most was that all travel and flight bookings made on site via Flight Centre could be made using the Zapper app.  Now that is impressive.  We also had a peek at the back-end of this app, showing various vendor and customer data in real time.

Even more exciting news, recently Zapper 2.0 was launched!  A brand new interface, looking colourful and intuitive to use, and some enhanced features to boot.

Kelly de Ricquebourg, Regional Marketing and Events Coordinator and Jessica Fowlds, Marketing and Communications Manager from Zapper took some time to demonstrate the new features to us.  This includes the ability to store loyalty cards, locate your nearest Zapper vendors, keep track of your vouchers etc. I was really impressed by their enthusiasm and passion for the product, and for enhancing the customer experience – with support like that you can’t go wrong.

Zapper V2 is currently available on iOS, with Android coming soon!  I can’t wait to try the new version out myself.

Thanks for your hospitality Zapper!

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