So quick and easy!
Nothing wrong with a quick and easy sweet treat! Especially after a long and lazy lunch or braai.
I told you previously how delicious and convenient the Fair Cape Dairies desserts are, didn’t I? Yes, I did – you just missed it or weren’t paying attention – catch up here: Caramel Yogurt Dessert with Fair Cape Dairies
This time I used the Chocolate Dessert to experiment with.
- 2 x 125ml Fair Cape Dairies Chocolate Dessert
- 250ml Fair Cape Dairies Double Cream Plain Yogurt
- 125ml full cream milk
- 1 teaspoon instant coffee powder (not heaped)
Whip it all together and pour into large shot glasses and chill.
You’re welcome to add some sweetener like castor sugar, but I enjoyed the more ‘bitter’ chocolate coffee taste.
Before serving, take out of the fridge, sprinkle with instant coffee powder (and/or a big dollop of whipped cream) and there you go! Chocolate Coffee Dessert Shots!
I guess you can even add some whiskey or Amarula? Hmmm, that makes me think! I must try THAT next time!
Special thanks to Fair Cape Dairies!